
European Competitiveness and Enlargement: Is There Anyone in Charge?

Pellegrin, Julie. In Strange Power: Shaping the Parameters of International Relations and International Political Economy, edited by Thomas Lawton, James Rosenau, Amy C. Verdun, 297-316. London: Routledge, 2000.

Keywords: Economics; Europe; Authority; Markets; Political Economy; International Relations; Authority vs Markets

Contributor(s): Julie Pellegrin, Editor: Thomas Lawton, Editor: James Rosenau and Editor: Amy C. Verdun
Keywords: Economics, Authority, Markets, Political Economy, Strange-Influenced Works, 2000's
Source and Medium: Book Chapter

Year of Publication: 2000

The Bondage of Liberal Economics

Strange, Susan. SAIS Review 6, no. 1 (1986): 25-38.

Here Strange returns again to the inadequacy of economics in its analysis of international trade, made in 'International Trade' (1955) and 'International money matters' (1970), and elsewhere. Noting the contradictions between economic models of international trade and what was actually happening in the international economy, Strange argues economists have failed to appreciate that trade is only a secondary international structure. This leads her to briefly lay out the argument that would be developed at more length in States and Markets (1988). Most importantly she firmly concludes that international economics is an ideological construction which serves the interests of the powerful states, most significantly the United States.

Keywords: Economics; Hegemony; Theory; Trade; General Framework

Contributor(s): Susan Strange
Keywords: Economics, Hegemony, Theory, Trade, 1980's
Source and Medium: Journal Article

Year of Publication: 1986
